Friday, May 31, 2019

Harry Potter is a Classic Essay -- J.K. Rowling

HARRY POTTERMORE THAN A CONTEMPORARY PHENOMENONWhat makes a book a pure? What is it about a book that will havegeneration subsequently generation reading it? English Literature studycould spend hours theorizing the answers to this question. One series oftexts that has received publicity and wide-spread acclaim over the pastseven years is the set upon Potter collection. J.K. Rowling could never have by chance imagined how her little book about a boy with broken glasses anda scar on his forehead would impact world market-gardening. Yet today, we every(prenominal) discussthe Harry Potter phenomenon and how adults and children alike canenjoy the books. But my question is this Will Harry Potter become abeloved classic like The Chronicles of Narnia or Great Expectations? DoesHarry Potter have what it takes to be worthwhile to teach in schools, or isit just a temporary madness that individuals will look back on and remark Ohyeah, I remember when those books were popular?The Merriam-W ebster Dictionary defines classic as a work ofenduring excellence. Harry Potters popularity has lasted since 1998, whenthe first book came out. Granted Harry Potter is a series, but seven years isa long time for a book or literary piece to hold an entire worlds attention.American citizens become tired of a television series after only a fewmonths. Though popularity doesnt equal classic, it doesnt mean that theHarry Potter series lacks the serious literary elements to be a classic. ShaunJohnson comments I dismissed the validity of said literature based on itsresounding popularity. I had also grown cynical about popular culture itwas my understanding that most things therein could only be trusted forfalse sensationalism and no... ... Marketing and the Translation of J.K.Rowlings Harry Potter Books. The Lion and the Unicorn 29.2 (2005) 8 pages.Maughan, Shannon. The Harry Potter Halo. Publishers Weekly 246.29 (1999) 4 pages.Minzesheimer, Bob. Editors Crown Tolkein Lord of Science Ficti on. USA Today 3 Mar.2003, sec. Life 3d.Nikiforuk, Andrew. The Real strength of Harry and Frodo. Canadian Business 76.2 (2003)2 pages.Radigan, Winifred M. Connecting the Generations Memory, Magic, and Harry Potter.Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 44.8 (2001) 2 pages.The Harry Potter Series. Advertisement. Multilingual Books. 14 Nov. 2005. http//, Nicholas. The get up and Rise of Harry Potter. Childrens Literature in Education.30.4 (1999) 221-35.Wizards and Muggles. Christian Century 116.33 (1999) 1 page.

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